A worldwide exposure
Discover our 15 programs abroad, taught in English or in French, in partnership with local institutions as well as our parisian program totally in English.
In English
In Paris and abroad, Sorbonne Business School offers programs fully taught in English. Find yours.
- Executive International MBA - France
- Executive Master in Finance - Brazil
- Executive Master in Finance - Mauritius
- Executive Master in Marketing and Sales - Hanoï - Vietnam
- Executive Master in Marketing and Sales - Ho Chi Minh - Vietnam
- Executive Master in Supply Chain Management - Hanoï - Vietnam
- Executive Master Supply Chain Management - Ho Chi Minh - Vietnam
- Executive MBA - Beijing - China
- Executive MBA - Istanbul - Turkey
In French
Join one of our 6 programs in Africa, in Mauritius or in the Middle East.
- Executive MBA IP - Tunisie
- Executive MBA IP - Maroc
- Executive MBA IP - Algérie
- Executive MBA IP - Liban
- Executive MBA IP - Océan Indien
- Executive MBA IP - Sénégal