Publié le 11/06/2024

A look back at the May 2024 graduation ceremonies!

First, the international program classes gathered on the stage of the Adenauer Amphitheatre for the symbolic hat toss. Then it was time for our Paris MBAs, as well as the Masters in Management and Business Administration from Paris and French Guiana. In all, 15 classes took part throughout the day.

Thank you to all the Sorbonne Business School teams for reinventing the ceremonies in this setting, and to the staff of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris for their welcome.

Licence 3 DISTRISUP Management

La Licence DISTRISUP Management (L3) en alternance propose une formation en management et une spécialisation dans le domaine de la grande distribution et des métiers du commerce.

  • Type : Apprenticeship
  • Field : Marketing-Sales-Communication
  • Duration : 12 mois
  • Level : Licence 3
  • Next intake : septembre 2024
  • Language : French
  • Code RNCP : 29740
  • Diploma : Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Location : Paris, France
  • Ranking : 2e - Eduniversal 2024

Executive Master CGAO "Management transversal des risques"

Le Master CGAO "Management transversal des risques", ancien DU "Management transversal des risques", s’adresse aux professionnels en activité qui souhaitent effectuer une montée en compétences ou une reconversion professionnelle grâce à une reprise d’étude dans le domaine du contrôle de gestion et la gestion des risques.

  • Type : Continuous education
  • Field : Control - Audit
  • Duration : 18 mois
  • Level : Master
  • Next intake : Janvier 2025
  • Rhythm : Part-Time
  • Language : French
  • Mobilisation du CPF : Oui
  • Code RNCP : 35918
  • Diploma : Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Location : Paris, France

Executive MBA Hanoi

The purpose of this generalist diploma located in Hanoi, Vietnam is to provide a second management skillset to people with higher education diplomas, in addition to their initial training, thus opening the way to dual competence.

  • Type : Continuous education
  • Field : International management
  • Duration : 18 months
  • Level : MBA/Master
  • Next intake : October 2024
  • Rhythm : Part-Time
  • Language : English
  • Diploma : University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Location : Hanoi, Vietnam

Executive MBA Ho Chi Minh City

The purpose of this generalist diploma located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is to provide a second management skillset to people with higher education diplomas, in addition to their initial training, thus opening the way to dual competence.

  • Type : Continuous education
  • Field : International management
  • Duration : 18 months
  • Level : MBA/Master
  • Next intake : October 2024
  • Rhythm : Part-Time
  • Language : English
  • Diploma : University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Location : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

PhD in Management Sciences

The logical continuation of a Research Master's degree, the PhD in Management Sciences is aimed at working people (continuous education) or young students (formal education) who wish to embark on thesis work. The training is provided within the Doctoral School of Management Panthéon Sorbonne at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

  • Code RNCP : 31427
  • Type : Continuous education
  • Field : Research
  • Duration : 3 years
  • Level : PHD
  • Next intake : november 2024
  • Language : English
  • Diploma : University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Location : Paris, France
Publié le 03/05/2024

Vietnamese Master of Marketing & Sales students at a seminar in Paris

Vietnamese students from the class of 2023-2024 of the Master Marketing & Sales were in Paris for this seminar rich in exchanges and company visits and thus discover the multicultural challenges of marketing.

Organized with ESCP Europe, this continuous education program is being developed in Vietnam in partnership with the Franco-Vietnamese Management Center (CFVG) in cooperation with the Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City Universities of Economics.

Publié le 03/05/2024 | Actualisé le 04/06/2024

|CONGRESS| Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (ACIEK)


ACIEK is an international scientific association that brings together researchers specializing in entrepreneurship and innovation, but also in other areas of management science (Marketing, HR, Information Systems, Finance, ...).

ACIEK organizes its conferences at top international universities. The general theme of the conference is broken down into a single topic or different sub-themes for each journal. The themes can thus be adapted to the research focus and editorial policies of each journal.

Master Ressources humaines & RSE

Le Master Ressources humaines et Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise (RH & RSE) en alternance s’adresse à des étudiants qui souhaitent rejoindre les métiers de la fonction RH et de la fonction RSE.

  • Type : Apprenticeship
  • Field : Human resources
  • Duration : 24 mois
  • Level : Master 1/ Master 2
  • Next intake : septembre 2024
  • Language : French
  • Code RNCP : 35912
  • Diploma : Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • Location : Paris, France
  • Ranking : 10e - Eduniversal 2023
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