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Sorbonne Business School
8 bis, rue de la Croix Jarry - 75 644 Paris cedex 13
Tél. 01 44 08 11 60
Siret: 197 500 028 00034 - APE: 8542Z
Director of publication: Éric LAMARQUE, Director of the Sorbonne Business School
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Head office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59 100 Roubaix
Website > www.ovh.com/fr/
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Head office : 8 avenue Kleber - 75 007 Paris
Website > www.softeamagency.fr
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© Paris Sorbonne Business School
Privacy policy
The Sorbonne Business School is concerned about the protection of personal data and is committed to ensuring the highest level of personal data protection and compliance with the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data and compliance with the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data.
Cookie policy
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The legal basis for this processing is the legitimate interest for the Sorbonne Business School to operate its website correctly, as well as to obtain your prior consent depending on the type of cookies.
Changes to the legal notice
The Sorbonne Business School reserves the right to modify the present legal notice at any time, without having to notify users. It is the sole responsibility of users to check the content regularly.