
Expert videos

Through FNEGE Medias, our researchers share their expertise on video. This original initiative was created by the National Foundation for Business Management Education with the support of various French management schools, including the Sorbonne Business School, a founding member. A truly collaborative platform, FNEGE Medias aims to become the leading French-language site for labelled videos on management research and teaching.

16 February 2024

What is a career?

Find the new video analysis by Emmanuelle GARBE, Senior Lecturer at the Sorbonne Business School, produced in partnership with Fnege Médias. ...

26 October 2023

The challenges of patient orientation in public hospitals

Find the new video analysis by Marie-Eve LAPORTE, HDR Lecturer at the Sorbonne Business School, produced in partnership with Fnege Médias. ...

26 October 2023

What is nudge marketing?

Find the new video analysis by Marie-Eve LAPORTE, HDR Lecturer at the Sorbonne Business School, produced in partnership with Fnege Médias. ...

18 October 2023

The big talk AEF Info x FNEGE - Eric Lamarque

Éric LAMARQUE, Director of the Sorbonne Business School opens the new season of the podcast "The big talk" in partnership with Fnege Médias and AEF in...