Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18, 2024, attend the workshop celebrating 15 years of Oliver Williamson's Nobel legacy organized at the Institut national du service public (INSP) in partnership with the Chaire Économie des Partenariats Public-Privé (EPPP), the Chaire Ressources Naturelles et Économie Locale (RENEL) and the Université de Loraine. Register now!
- Thu 2024/10/17 - Fri 2024/10/18
- EPPP Chair, RENEL Chair, INSP, University of Lorraine
- 2 Av. de l'Observatoire, 75006 Paris
- register
The work of Oliver Williamson (1932-2020) has made a significant contribution to economics in several ways. Firstly, by proposing a microeconomic analysis of Ronald Coase's theory of transaction costs. He linked different areas of the literature, proposing a new theory of the firm and market organization. In addition, his work has made a significant interdisciplinary contribution, recognized in economics, law and management. His analysis has prompted a reassessment of organizational boundaries and aconsideration of a world with "positive transaction costs". His work has also sparked important discussions in other economic disciplines, such as the Posnerian current of law and economics and the theory of complete contracts.
This workshop will invite authors to present various contributions, both theoretical and empirical, illustrating how Williamson's concepts currently permeate economic research on the new frontiers between economics, law and organization. Selected contributions may be either a state of the art on how research currently incorporates transaction costs, or empirical or theoretical academic papers using this framework in their analysis.