Publié le 19/03/2024

The Sorbonne Business School awarded HappyAtSchool® label

For its third consecutive participation, the Sorbonne Business School has once again been awarded the HappyAtSchool® label in 2024. Thank you to all our students for their participation and confidence!

Concerned with offering a quality experience to its students, the Sorbonne Business School wished to renew its participation in the HappyAtSchool® survey to assess their level of satisfaction and identify levers for progress to be activated. This survey involved L3, M1 and M2 students in initial/alternative training.
This year the Sorbonne Business School obtained an overall score of 4.25/5 and a 91.1% recommendation rate, excellent results that enabled the label to be awarded and have helped place the IAE France network in 3rd position in the University rankings.

At a glance, discover what our students like most about the Sorbonne Business School in 2024



Among the criteria most valued by respondents, above 80%, are:

  • "My teachers and referents at the school are available to me when I need them (out-of-class consultation, academic reports,...)."
  • "The terms of my internship/work-study program (duration, schedule, pace...) allow me to learn effectively."
  • "I'm developing a network that will be useful for the rest of my career."
  • "My school gives me access to a professional environment that I want to work in (companies, activities, people, organization...)."
  • "I'm well supported in my administrative procedures (registration, apprenticeship contract/internship agreement)."
  • "I feel that my diploma is recognized by employers."
  • "At the end of my studies, I think I'll land a job I like (aspiration, skills, values)."
  • "In my school, everyone benefits from the same admission opportunities, educational, professional, associative, administrative, help(...)"
  • "I easily make the connection between the content of my courses and my professional experiences."


HappyAtSchool®, what is it?

HappyAtSchool® is an accreditation and ranking that evaluates the quality of the student experience. 100% participatory and transparent, this label is based on 20 questions put directly to students around 5 themes: educational environment and student life, teaching & pedagogy, employability, confidence in the future and sustainable development. 3 criteria are required to obtain the label: an average score of over 3.5/5 for the 20 questions asked, a recommendation rate of over 70% and a participation rate of over 30%. "

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