Publié le 02/12/2022

The Brands & Values Chair celebrates its 10th anniversary

This year, 2022, celebrates 10 years of the Brands and Values Chair! To mark this anniversary, the Chair organized the "Brands and Commitment" conference on November 29 with two guests of honor, Marie-Agnès PARMENTIER, Professor of Marketing at HEC Montréal and Dominique DESJEUX, anthropologist and Professor Emeritus at University of Paris-Cité, Sorbonne SHS. The occasion will also be used to unveil the results of the chair's 10 years of activity.

Thanks to collaborations between the Sorbonne Business School, its sponsors and partners, research conducted within the Brands & Values Chair has resulted in a rich output of 74 articles published in national and international academic journals, 60 research workshops as well as 24 defended theses.


Rapport d'activité - 10 ans Chaire M&V

Download the 2012-2022 assessment of the Brands & Values Chair


The Brands & Values Chair aims to foster the creation, dissemination and exchange of knowledge around the issues facing organizations today in brand management (employer brand, responsible brands, brand resistance, the consumer-citizen, interactions on social networks...) and among different components (marketing, HR, strategy, finance, legal...). The Chair is headed by Géraldine MICHEL, Professor at the Sorbonne Business School and Director of Research.