An international outlook
In keeping with the Sorbonne's motto, "Hic et ubique terrarum, Here and everywhere on Earth" the Sorbonne Business School has a truly international dimension. This influence beyond the borders of France is particularly illustrated through numerous establishments on all continents via delocalized programs offered with academic partners. All in all, 68 international partners are in place, benefiting both teaching and research.
The international dimension of the Sorbonne Business School also means great cultural diversity. Its more than 2,700 students include 58% foreign students, representing nearly 70 nationalities. What's more, more than 25% of its graduates work around the world.
Most master's students trained in Paris benefit from an international outlook via a professional seminar abroad during their course of study, thanks to guest lecturers and also through certain modules, case studies or course materials offered in English.
Thanks to its international reach, the Sorbonne Business School is present in the Eduniversal ranking.