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Award of the International Certificate of Corporate and Bank Directors ...
Friday January 26, 2024, a group of certified Directors from the Tunisian Institute of Directors (ITA) received, in the presence of Éric LAMARQUE, Dir ...
What is a career script?
Find the new video analysis by Emmanuelle GARBE, Senior Lecturer at the Sorbonne Business School, produced in partnership with Fnege Médias.
What is a career?
Find the new video analysis by Emmanuelle GARBE, Senior Lecturer at the Sorbonne Business School, produced in partnership with Fnege Médias.
Producing marketing knowledge: 4 approaches
Find Maria MERCANTI-GUERIN's new video analysis, Senior Lecturer HDR at the Sorbonne Business School, carried out in partnership with Xerfi Canal and ...
The Sorbonne Business School enters a new era
At a time when the Sorbonne Business School has just made the transition to Extended Responsibilities and Competences (RCE) and signed the lease for i ...
Brands and Metaverses: on the offensive against the younger generation
Find Maria MERCANTI-GUERIN's new video analysis, HDR Associate Professor at the Sorbonne Business School, produced in partnership with Xerfi Canal and ...
Russia's all-out information war
Find the new article by Christine DUGOIN-CLÉMENT, affiliated professor at Sorbonne Business School.
Over-indebted households: how France changed its philosophy
Find the new article by Ydriss ZIANE, Senior Lecturer HDR at Sorbonne Business School.
The Internet: a factory of manipulation!
Find the new video analysis by Maria MERCANTI-GUERIN, HDR Senior Lecturer at The Sorbonne Business School, produced ...
What is nudge marketing?
Find the new video analysis by Marie-Eve LAPORTE, HDR Lecturer at the Sorbonne Business School, produced in partner ...
The challenges of patient orientation in public hospitals
Find the new video analysis by Marie-Eve LAPORTE, HDR Lecturer at the Sorbonne Business School, produced in partner ...
The big talk AEF Info x FNEGE - Eric Lamarque
Éric LAMARQUE, Director of the Sorbonne Business School opens the new season of the podcast "The big talk" in partn ...
What is patient orientation?
Find the new video analysis by Marie-Eve LAPORTE, HDR Associate Professor at the Sorbonne Business School, produced ...
The big bluff of marketing and advertising effectiveness on the Intern ...
Find the new video analysis by Maria MERCANTI-GUERIN, HDR Senior Lecturer at The Sorbonne Business School, produced ...
Digital marketing: thinking about rupture with Gaston Bachelard
Find the new video analysis by Maria MERCANTI-GUERIN, HDR Senior Lecturer at The Sorbonne Business School, produced ...
Who are the female managers of SMEs?
Find the new video analysis by Didier CHABAUD, professor and director of the Chaire Entrepreneuriat Territoire Inno ...